Today I Caught The Plague Today I Caught The Plague - From Bulwark To Bane

Let your name echo on,
Off my tongue;
I fear no timely death.
All mortal suffering i defy,
With faith no saviour ought deny.

I watch the wraiths as they're gathering,
Preceding yama, on a buffalo steed;
He's bearing down with malevolence,
On me.

Should i relent and lay trust in your goodness,
In descent through the crust in to darkness?
My shiva, i'm fading. don't forsake me, defend
Spare me this end.

There is a slightest hinting breeze.
Dare i awake to what s'rounds my vicinity?
Rising up i find myself embracing sights familiar;
Still, like homelands left in wake of war.
And what form is this that lies before me now?
Yama is your name, ol' tyrant infamed;
Gripping your noose with cadaverous jade hands.
Oh shiva, you've fell death,
Indebting corporeal;
We who so anxiously drew breath.

But as living laws crumble
We've lost sight of justice
Perhaps not deities
But our own mortality
Instills in us all
Our morality.

Deathless existence
Has become the worst
Fate i'd imagine.
Return mortal curse.